Monday, June 3, 2019

Wheelchairs: What are some fun things to do while using a wheel chair?

“My advice to other disabled people would be, concentrate on things your disability doesn’t prevent you doing well, and don’t regret the things it interferes with. Don’t be disabled in spirit as well as physically.” -Stephen Hawking
Restricted mobility can present challenges most people don’t realise. It doesn’t matter what caused it, adjusting to life in the chair can be difficult. Many people get depressed at the thought that life as they know it is over. The fact is, wheelchair users aren’t bound to their chair, it’s simply a device that lets them get from A to B.
Instead of lamenting what you can’t do, why not consider the possibilities of what you can do? There are plenty of fun activities out there for wheelchair users. Here are some fun activities you can do while you are on your wheelchair:
Bowling is one of the most popular sport for wheelchair users. They are able to roll up to the foul line lock their brakes and throw the ball. Here are some Wheelchair With Dual Brakes are available.
Fishing can be for everyone and it includes people with disabilities because how adaptive the sport of fishing has become for people with disabilities and have become wheelchair bound. If you use to go fishing before you become disabled then you know how much fun it can be and you can still go out and continue.
Many nature areas and national parks have designated “accessible” hiking trails. Thanks to the information age, it’s now possible to find out the accessibility of the track way in your area before you ever leave the house. Wheelchair With Seat Beltare more safer for hiking. While the scenery can be pretty, these tracks are hard to reach, so it’s important not to limit yourself to only those places that are approachable.
Paddle Boarding
Paddle boarding is an outdoor activity where you use a large surfboard to stand on top to paddle the board. They are wheelchair accessible due to their boom. This is a great activity to do especially in the summer.
Hand Cycling
Hand cycling is the most adaptable outdoor activities. It varies in design, which makes them accessible for people with all types of mobility restrictions. You can travel at high speeds. It’s a fun activity to do with friends.

1 comment:

  1. Not every wheelchair user can have these kind of fun activities in his life. They are always dependent on others to play these game. It depends upon the people around you, how they treat you. and how much they can keep you happy.
