Wednesday, June 26, 2019

What is the difference between a gurney and a stretcher?

The difference between a gurney and a stretcher
Stretcher is the original term used for a bed-like device to transport patients. The original stretchers composed only of two bars and fabric and was lifted by two or more people from each end. Then there came modernized Foldable Stretcher with wheels for easy transport over pavements etc. In transport stretchers, variable height adjustment is required for carefully moving the patient, for example, from a higher surgery stretcher to a lower hospital bed.

A Gurney is essentially a stretcher with legs that can fold horizontally so that it's easier to lift a patient and place him on it. In conclusion, a gurney is just a collapsible stretcher. In gurneys, it is important that they can be individually adapted to the physical state of the sick or injured person to eliminate additional pain and pressure.

Hope this will help you in some extend to understand the difference between a gurney and stretcher

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